
Fervent Readers is a small project by a group of friends who by chance are also book enthusiasts. We read, both in Bahasa Malaysia and English and write about what we read here.

Synopsis and reviews are purely personal opinions of each contributor . You are most welcomed to share your opinions through commenting on respective posts and suggest us worthy reading materials! Sharing after all is caring.

About Contributors

(Guys, I need help, send me a brief introduction of you guys, and the links you'd like to include here. Example is something like mine below AND you definitely can NOT follow my style and be creative with your own style. You can use Bahasa too if you prefer, either way is okay!

Either email your bio to ashtee {at} rocketmail {dot} com OR visit my humble blog and send a msg through the tag board OR my facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1844838311

p/s : Aiysyah tak berapa kenal korang, so salam kenal2 ye :D )

Aiysyah is an avid fan of Jodi Picoult and she is currently in the process of reading all her books. Spends rather a lot of her time wandering around the intergalactic web, this March-born INFP finds a great deal of pleasure watching videos on Youtube, discovering honest music and reading heaps of craft blogs. She tweets, has a tumblr and surprisingly, writes an emo-slash-rant-filled blog.